If + Then = Satisfaction
In our new series, we find God’s equation for blessing in Proverbs 3. However, to properly understand the book of Proverbs, we have to look at the opening of Proverbs, in 1:1 – “Here are kingdom revelations, words to live by, and words of wisdom given to empower you to reign in life.” Thus, a proverb is kingdom advice given to grow our lives in victory and abundance. In other words, it’s God’s advice to us as children. He doesn’t force it down our throats like medicine, but instead, like a loving and caring father who wants nothing but the best for us, he offers it as if to say, “Here is the best way to live for your life.”
So, as we look at “If + Then = Blessing,” we see that if we put our faith in God’s advice, as opposed to the world’s ways or our own intuition, He then promises to channel His power to bring about our blessing.
The first “If + Then” statement and promise comes from Proverbs 3:1-2 – “My child, never forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart. If you do this, you will live many years, and your life will be satisfying.” If we store God’s commands in our hearts, He promises to channel His power to bring about a satisfying life.
Questions for Meditation
- Kingdom revelations are given to live a “blessed” life as opposed to a “success” life. What’s the difference between these?
- Read Proverbs 1:20. What does that say about God’s advice?
- Why is it hard at times to hear God’s advice, and what happens when we listen to other voices?
- Why are we prone at times to hear God’s advice, but not live it out?
- Taking God’s advice requires choosing His voice and not letting go of the Word. What does it look like in our lives to hold onto His Word as opposed to letting go of it?
- Proverbs 3 states that if we store up God’s Word, it will lead to a satisfying life. We’re meant to store things that are valuable, things that we’ll use, and things that we can travel with. Why do we often store the wrong things? What are some of the things that you have been storing?
- Why do you think it’s so important to store up the Word in our hearts? How can you store up the Word this week?