
Our Heart

We firmly believe that a believer's journey of becoming happens through community and fellowship. As shown in Acts 2:44 (NIV) "All believers were together and had everything in common," we recognize the value of unity among our congregation. Becoming Groups nurture such togetherness and facilitate personal growth.

About Becoming Groups

Becoming Groups are an essential element of our church as they extend camaraderie and spiritual connections beyond the church’s walls. These groups are designed as intimate gatherings, occurring in four sessions throughout the year, the number of weeks for each session may vary.

Group Types

Becoming Groups happen in three distinct avenues:

Interest Groups | Cultivate an environment where participants take part in common interests with each other. Interest Groups find joy in everyday activities, uniting members through shared passions and recreations.
Examples: runners hitting the trail, mothers hosting playdates, golfers putting on the green

Equipping Groups | Offer a platform for believers to delve deeper into their spiritual journey. Equipping Groups focus on biblical principals and how they integrate into daily living. Participants are strengthened in their faith and understanding of God’s Word.
Examples: bible studies, DNA of a Leader, and topical book studies

Soul Care Groups | Offer a refuge and compassionate mutual support for individuals facing personal challenges.
Examples: Addiction, Fear, Relationships, Grief and loss, etc. 


Check back soon to register for Spring Becoming Groups!

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  What will in-person groups be like during this season?

Our groups will be meeting both in-person & online. Make sure to check each Becoming Group description for more information on specific groups!


2.  Is there a capacity to these groups? 

Yes, groups have different capacities depending on their type. Once capacity is reached, the registration will close for that group.


3.  I missed the registration deadline, can I still sign-up? 

Yes, please feel free to sign up!


4.  What content will we be discussing? 

We offer three types of Becoming Groups: Interest Groups for community engagement, Equipping Groups focused on biblical or topical study, and Soul Care Groups led by trained facilitators addressing issues of the heart.


5.  Can I participate in more than one group? 

We ask that you register and commit to one group only to benefit from the group content, community and connection.


6. I’m interested in Hosting, Supporting or Facilitating a group, who do I speak with?

Please email and we will contact you to further discuss how you can be part of Becoming Groups.