Parable of the Lost Sheep
Parable of the Lost Sheep
Luke 17:11-19
Hello Parents and Kiddos!
Please take a few moments to watch the Parable of the Lost Sheep story. I’ll be waiting here for you. 🙂
Welcome back! In today’s Bible story, we learned that Jesus is our good shepherd! Please take a few moments to review the story with your kids…
Today we are going to make the lost sheet and then play a game! Do you have a pair of white (or any color) socks? Great! We are going to pretend to be a shepherd and look for the lost sheep. Separate the two socks. Roll one sock into a ball and place it in the other sock. Take turns with your family members to hide and find the sheep. 🙂
If you would like to do another project, you can make a sheep with glue, cotton balls, and a paper plate!
Be sure to share your pictures with us! We miss you and would LOVE to see you in action!
What did the shepherd look for? The lost sheep
Who is like sheep? We are like sheep
Who is the good shepherd? Jesus is our good shepherd!
Blessings, Ms. Kate