Noah’s Ark
Noah’s Ark
Genesis 6-8
Hello Parents and Kiddos!
Please take a few moments to watch the story of Noah’s Ark . I’ll be waiting here for you. 🙂
Welcome back! In today’s Bible story, we learned that God always keeps his promises! Please take a few moments to review the story with your kids…
Today we are going to make a rainbow paper chain! You will need strips of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple construction paper and glue/tape/stapler. (You can color white paper if you don’t have colored paper.)
Take the red strip and put the two ends together to make a circle. Use glue/tape/stapler to hold it together. Then get the yellow strip and put it through the red strip and glue/tape/staple it together. Do this for the rest of the colors. If you have a lot of paper, you can make your rainbow really long!
Hang the rainbow paper chain up in your room or window and remember that God always keeps his promises!
What did God tell Noah to build? God told Noah to build a big boat called an Ark.
Why did God tell Noah to build an Ark? Because God was going to destroy the earth and wanted to spare Noah’s family and 2 of every animal.
How long did it rain? 40 Day and 40 Nights.
What does the rainbow mean? The rainbow is a promise from God that he will never destroy the earth with a flood again.
Ms. Kate