Devotional: He’s The God That Heals
The book of Mark is a fast-paced book, and it shows Jesus as a servant, one who acted upon this Earth. When Jesus began His ministry, He was very intentional to make a first impression that would last among the people. Early on in His ministry, He made it known that He was the one who heals. He came so that we could be healed and experience the fullness of life. He entered with authority, which is a unique knowledge and a unique power. It was something that only He possessed, and it shows that He is not only able to heal by His power, but that He knows exactly what we need to be healed of.
Questions For Meditation
- When Jesus left the synagogue, He went to Peter’s home. What is the significance of that for us today?
- In what ways have perhaps neglected to bring Jesus home with you? What is the difference in our lives when we bring Jesus home with us?
- How does Jesus bring our homes back to normal? How did we see this in the passage?
- Where are you lacking order or peace in your home, or in the precious parts of your life?
- God’s healing is not only physical. It is holistic, and extends to our spirits and our emotions. What emotional or spiritual pain have you carried that you need Jesus to heal you from?
- When we allow demonic suggestions, we are inevitably led into demonic oppression. What suggestions have you entertained from the enemy?