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Feb 2, 2025, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
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An event every month that begins at 11:00 am on day First of the month, repeating indefinitely

Becoming Track: Step 1

Chicago Tabernacle aspires to be a Place of Becoming. Our Becoming Track, a four-step process, is tailored to activate your journey of growth, helping you become all that God intends for you.

Throughout these steps, you will learn about The Church, Our Culture, Your Community, and My Commitment.

On the first Sunday of the month, Step 1 of the Becoming Track takes place, The Church, where you will learn about our church’s foundations and what defines us.



Feb 2, 2025


11:00 am - 12:30 pm

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Becoming Center
3249 N. Kilpatrick Ave.
Chicago, IL 60641

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