Since the beginning, it has been our mission to be a place of becoming for all who long to know and serve the Lord. Becoming takes place as we pursue God, love with His heart and devote ourselves to serving others into greatness. As we do this, we are transformed into His image and become all that God has called us to be. This mission is in line with the vision and purpose we have for the Beyond project, where we are embarking on a faith journey to expand our physical space as well as our missional impact on the city. We want to think Beyond our walls to build, shape and grow our next generation of kids to make a powerful impact on the city of Chicago. But what does that really look like?
Through THE BECOMING CENTER, we will have the space to accommodate an early childhood development center, where kids ages 0-5 are exposed to a holistic child development curriculum. This includes, but is not limited to, intensive literacy programs, art and music workshops and recreational activities.
Through THE BECOMING CENTER, we will host after school and summer programs where youth and young adults can enter into God’s house and receive life coaching, post secondary education counseling, job search training, general health and wellness coaching, personal finance education, art programs and music training.
THE BECOMING CENTER would also allow for adult enrichment classes including English as second language, GED curriculum, job placement coaching and computer literacy, health and wellness, and marriage workshops.
Our overall strategy is to restore, build and sustain this community through the love of Christ. To invest in the Becoming Center is to invest in the future of this community and its families. Our prayer is that we are able to give back to this city and glorify God in a way that is BEYOND what we could ever imagine.